
Monster slugs. You know how when you move to a different place you find new and interesting things surrounding you? Here’s a perfect example. The slugs we have up here are enormous…..and plentiful, and just downright nasty.

This one is about 4.5 inches long.
About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. Casey's trio says

    Gross…I cringe to think where it could possibly end up if one of the twinnies got a hold of it.

  2. Are you sure that is a slug, not a snail without a shell? That is soooo sick. What do you do about slugs? Salt anyone? Yuck!

  3. Oh gross!!! I bet your boys LOVE them!!

  4. You are so right about plentiful. Even I have limits on what bugs Lilly can play with. And slugs are not on any playable list!

  5. carrie & troy keiser says

    ewwww blelk! 😛

  6. I think its cute! Its better than some big crunchy bug. We have crunchy bugs in Illinois, so I’ll take a cute little slimy one any day.

  7. That is disgusting and did you see that slime trail that it left?!