Wordful Wednesday-{The FIRST one in which I am not the hostess}

How crazy is this?

Participating in the meme that used to be mine, but is no longer. You know, because I lovingly gave it away.  To Amanda, the hostess with the most-est.

parenting BY dummies

This week I’d like to pay tribute to my budding photographer/continuously sly rule breaker by showing you a sample of his handy work.

Now, I call him sly because I did not know he had his paws on my camera until I downloaded a new batch of photos and found this:

And almost died laughing. I mean, WHAT was he wearing? And why didn’t I notice that he had such a get-up going at the time?

I love that this picture captures his quirky little personality so well.

And, secret’s out.  I don’t always make my bed.

About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. Haha! Cute! I am always finding hilarious and random pics on my camera, courtesy of Jack. Very cool to see the world through his eyes. (=

  2. he is too cute! i love that you have flowers beside your bed angie!

  3. That totally cracks me up…why do they always try to take a picture of themselves…do they not think we will see them. I always know when its jordan because I have a picture of the toilet bowl (luckily it had been flushed).

  4. I bet it is weird not having 100s of links on your blog today. But maybe good though. I would feel obligated to visit them all … and that is pressure.

    And I won’t tell about the bed not being made … I don’t always make mine either!

  5. Bwahaha! I love it — those boots are AWESOME.

    (and, can I tell you how relieved I am to know you don’t *always* make your bed?)

  6. Such a silly kid!

    I have been letting Jake take pictures with my camera and I always find the most interesting photos when he is done.

  7. LOL Love it!

    And make the bed? WHAT? Nope.

  8. lol, how funny! I love random stuff too. With 3 teens, I have a lot of that on the computer. lol.

  9. Sneaky little guy!

  10. Finally something! Something that makes you seem NOT perfect. Although still probably better than me, because while you say you don’t ALWAYS make your bed, I say I don’t EVER make my bed. Seriously, what’s the point? I spend all day trying to find a way to crawl back into it. I’d like it to be ready for me when I arrive:). Thanks for participating. It makes the whole thing better:)

  11. You don’t always make your bed?!?! I am shocked. 😉 And I love you even more.

  12. Yay! I am so glad that you are still participating in WW!! Making the bed? Nope, not me!

  13. That is hilarious…busted!

  14. LOL That’s awesome! I love the outfit!

  15. So cute. I can’t wait until my kids steal my pictures & I get gems like this 🙂

    And I never make my bed. I hate it.

  16. Too funny. I love when I find those mysterious pictures on the camera that I didn’t take.

  17. Who makes the bed?

    And he totally needs to learn how to operate the delete feature so that he won’t get busted.

  18. LOVE it!!

    I too have found mysterious pictures too. Gotta love the digital age!

  19. Too funny!

  20. glad to see i am not the only one who doesnt always make the bed!
    lol, cute pic…
    looks like a great personality there..

  21. I am still processing the fact that you have so many followers for this meme and then you graciously handed it off. Angie, you’re amazing! 🙂

  22. Geez. I have been so out of it I didn’t know you weren’t hosting anymore….

    How funny when we “capture” moments like this. I have found quite a few similar shots on my cameras. Too funny.

  23. Love it! Superhero, boots and all, too cool! I think that is one of my favorite part of raising little boys. Even Eliza likes to put on superman stuff, very funny.

  24. I like his boots.
    and I NEVER make my bed.

  25. I love how your kids are learning a love of photography thank to you! 🙂 I didn’t make my bed this morning either.

  26. Hahaha. I love it. So cute!! If you ca,e a took a picture of my room every day for a year, my bed would be made 20 times max LOL When my cleaning lady does it once a month and if we have a party where ppl may be seeing my room. I hate making my bed, such a bad habit that I feel bad passing on to my girls 🙂

  27. Is it awful of me that I noticed the bed before I noticed the kid in the mirror? It is only because I was thinking “thank god, someone else doesn’t make their bed either!”