Wordful Wednesday – Retrica App

Wordful Wednesday 411Wordful Wednesday is like Wordless Wednesday, except WITH words.  It’s for those of us that just cannot be wordless, no matter how much we try.  Add my Wordful Wednesday badge to your post (right side bar under “WW”) if you really want to make me happy, and then add your post link to the linky below. Easy peasy.

I was recently introduced to the Retrica App for the iPhone and I’ve gone a little wild for it.  I love it because it lets you take vintage style photos in high resolution {I’m loving the  “Polaroid” filter}, but MOSTLY because when you take self portraits, it DOESN’T flip your image.  Plus, it’s free.  What’s NOT to adore?

Evidence of my Retrica adoration:

retrica app

retrica app

retrica app

retrica app

retrica app

retrica app

retrica app

retrica app

Have you found any new apps that you love?

Join us in our linky AFTER you check out Dude Momfollow (formerly Parenting by Dummies)  and these 4 awesome posts from last week’s linky!


A true and {amazing} look at San Rafael from Tacloban {book me a flight to the Filipines, please}, what 20 months look like at Behind the Camera and Dreaming, the Windows of Rome,  and gorgeous pictures of a magical Vacation on The Cape from Babies & Bacon.

About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. Loved all the pictures. I think the daisy one was my favorite. I have never heard of this app before. I haven’t really found a photo app I like yet.

  2. I’m with Stacie – I love the daisy picture, as well as the two of you with two of your kidlets. 🙂 Sounds like a cool app! Wonder if they make it for Android, too? 🙂

  3. I love your photos!! I’ve never heard of this app, but I’ll have to check it out (and see if it’s on Android!).

  4. I love a good photo app! I have fun with pic collage. I like it for writing text on my images.

  5. Love the pictures! I’m sadly sans-iPhone (but boy, do I crave one)! 🙂

  6. Love the ones of you with your kiddos! So sweet! 🙂

  7. The last picture of the girls is really making me smile. I need to check out this app. I just mentioned earlier today that I only have 3 apps on my phone, none of them camera-related.

  8. love these….
    and as for apps….
    i have finally ventured into candy crush… ha ha hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  9. How Can i Download Retrica in Lumia 620? PLEASE HELP ME

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