the planting of a new heart

Today I’m thankful for hearts. For people willing to give their hearts in death in order to potentially give life to others. I’m thankful for the gifts that Heavenly Father has given each of us, and for those who develop their talents. Today I’m thankful for those that studied and worked and honed their skills so that they can save others. I’m thankful for doctors and nurses and those in the health care profession. I’m thankful that my father in law received a heart last night. I’m thankful that each report we’ve received has been a good one and that if all goes well he has a new lease on life. I’m thankful for all the ways he’s enriched my life.

About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. What??? That is unbelievable! Amazing. Really. I’m totally stunned but soooo excited for your family. I’ll be calling you soon for an update.

  2. I am so excited!!! That is awesome!!! I hope his recovery goes smoothly!!!
