My Other Blogs

While I’m working on answering those fabulous questions, go check out my other blogs. I started my cooking blog (Cooking for a Circus has to be Simple) to record easy recipes that work for my family, and the other blog I started with Laura to share monoamniotic tales (Monoamniotic Stories). This blog will probably be of absolutely no interest to many of you, but the goal in mind was to have a blog that had personal stories and pictures of families that have had monoamniotic twins. It also includes factoids and links to THE support site for monoamniotic twins. If you are a relatively new reader and don’t know what I’m talking about, then hop on over and read my story….you’ll understand a little bit about what my family went through to get our twins, and then you can probably infer how that changed me.
About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. You are such a busy little bee! Where on Earth do you find the time! *smiles

  2. Casey's trio says

    Yes, you are busy…and spending time working on your blogs is probably the answer to one of the questions I asked!

  3. So how EASY are these recipes? Do they have more than say, 6 ingredients? Are they Cecily-proof? Because I need some easy stuff, but I have a feeling that your easy and my easy are two wildly different things…:)

  4. Oh, I can’t wait to read your story!!
    And your cooking blog!!

  5. Motherhood for Dummies says

    oh more than one blog and 5 kids! you are making us look bad! 🙂 ha ha kidding. Seriously impressed with how much you get done and still look totally together 🙂

  6. Are You Serious! says

    ♥ I loved reading everyones stories over there! It’s so amazing!

  7. Crazymamaof6 says

    wow i missed question day. can’t wait for your answers though.

  8. Is it too late to ask a ?

  9. Wow, you are a busy blogger, huh?

  10. Kristen Jensen says

    I love those actresses too. I haven’t seen Cate Blanchet in very many things but most people I know have her right at the top of their list as being amazing.

  11. Gunnisac Sandersons says

    I have popped over to the feeding your family site and love it. I’ll have to check out your other site so I can read your story. Thanks for all the yummy foods you’ve shared.

  12. i need to check out your cooking blog. i have been burnt out trying to come up with easy recipes!

  13. Good & Crazy says

    Hey, maybe it’s my monitor, PROBABLY it’s my monitor, but I can’t see your links? Maybe my mouseover isn’t working or something? I know the first one is your cooking blog, but not sure of the others…?

  14. Man Angie, how do you find the time? This blogging business is a serious hobby, though you are very talented. Everything looks so professional, and it is interesting to read…Bonus!

  15. Your cooking blog is great! It looks cute, too.

  16. I like the blog. I’m a monoamniotic twin… red headed too… wonder what percentage that is… ha!

  17. yeah. funny thread..