My Kid Sister is a Crafting Genius…..

My little sister and I are separated by 10 years in age.

When we were younger, it seemed like a HUGE gap, but now that she is married with children, the gap seems so much smaller.

Except when I think about her as a baby and kindergartner……. and then I have to remind myself that she’s a grown up now.

Anyway, I can honestly tell you that based on her interests (that I knew about) growing up, I would have never guessed that she’d grow up to be the crafting genius that she has become.

And when I say that she is a crafting genius, I really mean it.  She can take just about anything crafty and turn it into the cutest darn masterpiece ever.  She’s particularly gifted with paper, and I LOVE it when her creations are given to me.  Did I mention that she’s a canning maniac as well (and I mean that in a good way)?

Her birthday gift to me arrived in the mail today and I basically squealed in delight when I saw it.  Handmade apron.  Check.  Handmade card.  Check.  Handmade card holder in the shape of a purse.  Check.

Wanna SEE?

I DELIGHT in handmade articles and wish I had an ounce of the talent she and my older sister have.  It just isn’t fair that the crafting genius gene was with held from me.  Yes.  I am bitter.  🙂

Jen over at Buried with Children has a new Friday carnival called Kids make the Darnest Things.  Since I still think of my kid sister as a kid occasionally, this counts, right?


Oh, my crafting genius sister also sells Stampin’ Up.  If you are in need of supplies or even a little inspiration, be sure to check with her!

About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. Cute cute cute! I love the purse, and I’ve always been jealous of people who can sew. What a gift to be so creative.

    My photography is now available for purchase – visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
    .-= Robin from Israel´s last blog ..Saturday Afternoon Walk, Jerusalem Hills =-.

  2. That apron is so freaking cute! Love it! I adore crafty people, but have no aspirations of my own…I’d rather buy other people’s stuff!

  3. OH MY GOSH! As a “paper mom” I love, LOVE, L-O-V-E that card and little purse card holder…. it is so great to make and receive hand made goodies! I am impressed!
    .-= Andrea´s last blog ..Kids? what kids? =-.

  4. Those are so cute!!

    My brother and I are 10 years apart in age as well. Now that we’re both grown, that gap doesn’t seem so big.
    .-= Evonne´s last blog ..Hired Help =-.

  5. So cute! I too wish I was able to do things like that. You are lucky you have a sister that is willling to share her talents!
    .-= Anjie B.´s last blog ..I’m a Mom that almost forgot how much she likes the Springtime! =-.

  6. She does have really cute stuff!!

  7. thats TALENT!
    .-= Melinda´s last blog ..Seventh Generation Cleaning Kit Review and Giveaway =-.

  8. Eighteen years separate my older and sister and myself. And it’s the same for us since I’ve gotten older and have my own kids. She’s the artist but I’m the seamstress. Don’t you think it will be interesting to see what transpires for your own kids?
    .-= T Rex Mom´s last blog ..My Latest Addiction… =-.

  9. Adorable. I have zero crafting talent!
    .-= Shell´s last blog ..What I Wish Someone Had Told Me =-.

  10. Wow, Angie, those are amazing! Totally thoughtful and time consuming to make gifts. Well, the artistic eye definitely runs in your family. You have it, just in a different medium (fabric, paints, shapes and space), any home project you have done has the master’s touch.

    .-= Creative2xmom´s last blog ..Rainbow Cupcakes =-.

  12. such a talent..nice work of Art here..sad to say i don’t have any talent for this..wink! they are gifted for having such ability!

  13. she IS clever! love late birthday presents – makes the day stretch!!!
    .-= scrappysue´s last blog ..photostory friday: pictures of oz =-.

  14. As a crafting disaster area, I’m in awe of your sister!
    .-= Jenners´s last blog ..Writer’s Workshop: Some Rules Are MADE To Be Broken =-.

  15. What a great sister you have, she totally is a crafting genus and she probably has more crafting ability in her little finger than I do in my hold body. What an awesome gift.

    Love that you played along. 🙂
    .-= Jen´s last blog ..Kids Make the Darndest Things: The Green Recycle Monster =-.

  16. Wow! What an amazing kid sister. Happy Birthday, sorry it took me forever to get it to you. I love you. If anyone orders on my Stampin’ Up! website, from Angie’s Blog. I will send you personal homemade cards, and Angie will get extra goodies too.
    .-= TIFFANY EVANS´s last blog ..Daisy Planter Tag =-.

  17. Look at that adorable apron!

    My sister is super crafty, too! She got the good genes.
    .-= Krystyn´s last blog ..Sisters, sisters…PSF =-.

  18. who knew she was so talented?
    I love the self portrait on the toilet btw. lol.

  19. Damn! You went and posted again. I wanted to comment on this post yesterday, but then didn’t quite make it.

    ANYWAYS, since I had super important things to say, like always, I didn’t want to let this opportunity pass me by. Here are my thoughts:

    1) You have really beautiful feet. I plan to photograph them in Phoenix and then e-mail the pics to M-K for quite a while. Maybe I’ll even write her a poem about feet.
    2) The age difference and relationship with your sister is very similar to my own. I like that.
    3) The inability to craft and create is something we also share. I like that even more.
    .-= Mayhem and Moxie´s last blog ..Facebook & Sisters: The Saga Continues =-.

  20. Oh, I am so jealous. Those are the cutest things ever!!!! I wanna sister!

  21. LOVE that apron. Crafty sis indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!
    .-= Live.Love.Eat´s last blog ..Chicken Piccata – Healthy Makeover =-.