More of “I really want a puppy”.

I’m playing along with Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop.

About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. Cute! He can have my dog, LOL! But seriously, I can ship the little bugger overnight.
    …visiting from Mama Kat’s 🙂

  2. They really, really do want a dog don’t they?

    I feel you weakening.

    Stay strong.

  3. Think of the poop.

  4. You have one of those too? My kids have both been begging. Don’t let the cute notes fool you. You and I both know that we will be the ones feeding it and taking it out at 2AM when it has to potty and cleaning the accidents and the puke when it’s sick, etc.

    Sorry, struck a cord I guess. Haha.

  5. That note would totally make me cave…just sayin’…

  6. Susie's Homemade says

    He is not letting up, is he?

  7. you’re soooo screwed. start shopping for puppy chow.

  8. You are so screwed. You are totally getting a dog.

  9. How cute! If you get the dog you have proof that he will take care of it.

  10. No pressure at all, right? Can you start with a fish or a frog or something a little easier?

  11. When he voluntarily says his clean up after it, you’re set!

  12. Love it!! You are totally getting a dog 🙂 I just have this feeling 6 months from now you will love the dog more than anyone…it always works out that way. Have fun dog shopping…my vote…nothing that sheds!!!!!

  13. LOL, that is too cute! Sounds to me like they are getting to you! I bet we will be reading a post that says “we got a dog” LOL!

  14. I’m about to find a dog for your kids…hang tight.

  15. Even though I am currently in puppy hell, I do still think you should do this. And, now that you have the promise in writing you can hold him to it!