I’m a big copycat

I have this friend that’s an awesome blogger. I steal ideas from her occasionally, but this one (except for the answers) is almost entirely plagerized. I just like thinking about one word answers. It’s harder than you might think, and like Heather said, “No elaboration. No explanation.” Here I go:

Yourself: pleaser or determinded or dependable or lovely (ha ha)
Your Partner: sensitive
Your Hair: radiant (LOL)
Your Mother: loving
Your Father: dependable
Your Dream Last Night: dream?
Your Favorite Drink: water
Your Dream Car: Mercedes
Dream Home: Craftsman
The Room You Are In: bedroom
Your Fear: death
Where You Want to be in Ten Years: 40-and-fabulous
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: family
You’re Not: spontaneous
The Last Thing You Did: blinked
You Are Wearing: pajamas
Your Favorite Weather: warmish
Your Favorite Book: fiction
Last Thing You Ate: cookie
Your Life: fulfilling
Your Mood: good
Your Car: family-sized
What Are You Doing At The Moment: typing
Relationship Status: eternal

I guess I couldn’t quite do it. I know that 40-and-fabulous is a stretch but I absolutely couldn’t come up with one word. And the first one. I don’t think there is just one word. Especially with no elaboration. If it said “Where you’d like to be at 90” it’d be easy. That one would be “dead”.

About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. What a great idea! Your comment about your hair was a good one. I love your hair color! I may have to “copy” this idea myself!

  2. Angie! The nicest words ever for me this morning! Made me even well up a bit……. You know I think you are the greatest. And I’m most grateful to Jeff for having a job where he is gone and I can come over and hang for hours, completely unannounced! Bless you for moving here. Don’t ever, ever leave!

  3. Angie,
    Love this! Love your answers. Copying is the truest form of flattery. Besides this one is meant to be copied and shared 🙂

    I have to say I am jealous that Heather gets to hang out with you in person!