Help! It’s a Fashion Emergency.

I need you help, or more to the point, your fashion expertise.

Tomorrow I’m taking my girls to The Nutcracker in 3D world premier.  Now, normally I would know just what to wear.

But, this event is a bit different since I’ll actually be ON the red carpet as part of the “media”.

I was lucky enough to be selected (along with 4 other bloggers) to cover the event with a live stream.   Which of course means photos and impressions via Twitter.  If time permits, I’ll have the opportunity to interview the actors from the movie as well as the director.

I’ll write a recap after the event in case you want more details than those that can be spit out in 142 characters or less.

In the meantime, what do you think I should wear?  I don’t want to be freezing my butt off, and I definitely don’t want to be over dressed.

Also, what questions do you think I should ask?

About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. I think you would be beautiful in anything! What an awesome opportunity!!

  2. Hey, you need a stylist!! I know one, but she lives in Utah 🙂

  3. Soooo excited for you! Can’t wait to hear all about it! I wish /i was going with you!

  4. I haven’t the foggiest idea what one wears to such an event – I wish I could help!
    I hope you have a wonderful time.

  5. Questions….don’t you live in S california? I didn’t think it got “freezing” there:)
    NOw for my limited fashion advice….I would probably go for something with a dressy jacket that could be taken off…or maybe that is not what you were thinking….I am so out of my league…. isn’t there someone associated with the event to let you know how dressy the red carpet will be?
    Oh I wish I could be more help….but I must say I can’t wait to here what you wear and how it all turns out..
    I’m sure you will be spectacular….all my luck

  6. No way! That is awesome!

    I’d wear a string bikini.

    Just a suggestion

  7. i’m not sure what i’d stress over more – live streaming (from your phone???) – tweeting, or what to wear!!! i’m no help. wear jeans and a cute top – i’m sure you’ll look FAB!!!!!

  8. Oh!! Have an awesome time! You look HAWT in anything you wear I am sure!

  9. A little bit sexy…not too much cleavage though! A respectable vamp, maybe. What an honor! Have a great time!

  10. How exciting! I can’t wait to see your tweets. I would go with the standard LBD, can’t go wrong with a little black dress. Throw on a pashmina for the cold and you’re good to go!

  11. What an incredible opportunity! I can’t wait to hear (and see) all about it. 🙂