Ding, Dong, Ditch

It’s happened two days in a row and it’s so clever. I have a feeling that by Christmas Eve we’ll have a full nativity. We’ve received these pieces so far. How great is this?

The first night the bag said, “This is Mary so fair, and Joseph who guided the Donkey with care”.
The second night read, “Angels’ songs rang announcing their glorious story…..”
The third, “These are the Shepherd’s, Hast’ning to worship the Heavenly child…
Fourth, “These are the Wise men followed the Star Bringing fifts from afar”…
And lastly, “Fairest little Jesus Child, came to earth to show the way…Praise we sing on Christmas day.
About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. Wow, I want someone to play ding dong ditch at my house…but only if they leave presents!!

    How cute is that Nativity?

  2. Crazymamaof6 says

    wow lucky! we have been having doorbell ditcher’s at our house. but they just run away. and my kids chase them it is my hubby’s 11 yr old scouts. I’m afraid they are flirting with my 8 yr. old daughter. ahhhh a glimpse at the teenage years. scary!

  3. Casey's trio says

    Any idea who the guilty party is? Sounds like a fun game!

  4. I’ve never heard of someone ding dong ditching and leaving nice gifts. Usually the only gift they leave is a bag of dog poop.

  5. I’ve been getting the same ding, dong ditch to and we are LOVING it! Any ideas?

  6. Are You Serious! says

    That’s so cute! I love nativities.

  7. That is such a cute nativity scene. You will have to post a picture of the completed scene.
    It is so nice to be thought of.

  8. My name is Tammie says

    Wow how cool! How neighborly and fun!

  9. Fun!! I love getting those!!! We had one in FL one year. They left awesome games for the kids!!

  10. Heather & Angie…we are getting the same ding dong ditch….How funny!

  11. That is so great! You must have some really thoughtful neighbors or friends!

  12. I don’t have any idea what ding dong ditch is… but it looks cute.

  13. Lucky…

    What a cool idea! I think I’ll have to tuck this one away for next year…

  14. carrie & troy keiser says

    Did ya end up with the whole thing? 🙂

  15. We eventually got all the pieces, and it’s the cutest little Nativity. Also found out who the clever party was. 🙂