*This will remain a sticky post until I return.
Don’t forget to leave some comment love for my guest posters while I’m on hiatus. For details on how to spread the comment love and qualify for my prizes, click here.

When you see it in my side bar, click the fish for more details on the Fishful Thinking Campaign.

I can’t wait to see you when I return!

About Angie

Angie is a CRAFT dabbling, recipe making, WORD loving, sunshine hording, book DEVOURING, Mama to a lot! She's kind of in love with Instagram right now, so if you want her attention, go find here there. {smiling}


  1. Following Him says

    The blogging community and me will miss you 🙂

  2. Ronda's Rants says

    Have Fun…say Hi to Stanley from me!

  3. Have fun!!!

  4. Have a nice time. See you next month.

  5. Ugh, I am going to miss you 🙁

    Have a fantastic break!

  6. mommaof4wife2r says

    ur on hiatus? what will i do? i’ll hav eto go see what’s up on HERE…hmmm

  7. Stu Pidasso says

    travel safe and have fun!!

  8. I just found you and you’re already gone?!

  9. All these B's and Me! says

    Have fun but hurry back! It won’t be the same without you. :o(

  10. Hope you have a great time!!!

  11. Following Him says

    Have a great time 🙂

  12. Sarahlcc♥ says

    Wow, great guest posters Angie!

  13. I’ve really been enjoying your guest posters, Angie!

  14. *waiting*

  15. Have fun! We’ll be waiting for you!

  16. scrappysue says

    happy birthday for april 1 angie! what a great way to spend your birthday – on vacay!

  17. Happy, Happy Birthday, Angie! Hope you’re having FUN!

  18. We had fuuuuuun while you were gone, but you know that we really missed you, too.

    Can’t wait to hear all about your trip…and the accident, which now has me concerned…and that sparkling gold tooth. You’ve piqued my interest!